What's New At EMC²
"I am very grateful for the positive changes my grandson has gone through since being on The AIM Program."

"…the children's progress has been miraculous to me. I am utterly grateful that they were chosen for this study."

"Many blessings to you and all who are working on energy therapy."

These are just a few of the testimonials that have been received from the families involved in the special program developed at EMC² for children with the energetic imbalance of Autism. Family members working with their facilitators have been sending in the quarterly reports to EMC² so that Stephen can monitor the healing progress of these children. The program, which was started a little less than a year ago, had just a few children originally. It has since grown to nearly one hundred children nation wide.

Each child is evaluated by Stephen to determine his or her energetic profile and if they are eligible to participate. This means that they test positive for the frequency of Autism on the QED. Then they are put on The AIM Program at no charge. Working with facilitators, reports are submitted from parents outlining the overall progress of each child.

During the past year there have been significant positive changes in the children. As the energetic frequency of Autism is being balanced in each child, the changes range from subtle and simple acts of movement to receptiveness and active participation in school.

Most parents report that being on The AIM Program has given their children an overall sense of well-being and spiritual grounding that has also resulted in better eye contact, verbal skills, and stronger coordination. This has been very encouraging.

Each child is progressing at their individual pace, allowing their higher consciousness to bring to them the energetic frequencies needed for their spiritual growth. It is up to all of us, (parents, friends, facilitators and those of us at EMC²) as part of the spiritual energetic matrix of healing to hold the high watch for each of these children with encouragement and support. Within the past few months, Autism and its effect on children has been in the national news. From determining the causes of Autism to granting more money for research, parents and organizations are working to understand and help these children. In a recent article on HealthNewsDigest.com Autism is described by researchers as a developmental disorder that has a profound effect on socialization, communication, learning and other behaviors. In most cases, onset is early in infancy. Information on the earliest development aspects of Autism in children has been limited even though three to four of every thousand individuals are affected. Many families are searching for answers.

The spiritual technology of The AIM Program offered by EMC² provides energetic balancing that facilitates the process of healing and of growth. By removing hereditary, past life and karmic imbalances the divine potential is opened in each one of these children, to become all that they are meant to be in this world.

We would like to thank the parents and facilitators for keeping the channels of communication open. As more information is gathered for EMC² to evaluate we will be able to give further updates on the incredible journey of healing of these children. Autism is of particular interest to Stephen because he believes that holographic interaction is fundamental to an evolutionary increase in human consciousness. Autism represents a voluntary total abstention from the interaction.

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