Co-Founders of EMC²

Stephen Lewis Roberta Hladek Evan Slawson



Developer of AIM Program,
co-author of and 'Max' in Sanctuary
'Jennifer' in Sanctuary
Co-author of Sanctuary
and Sanctuary's narrator
* Introductory Calls * Maximizing AIM
* AIM Essentials * AIM Scholarship Programs
* As You Begin Your AIM Program * Special Interests/Topics
* Special Guests

Recordings are approx. 60 minutes unless otherwise noted:
Please feel free to download the recording to your computer or your favorite mp3 player
by clicking on the Download MP3 link associated with each call.

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1. Introductory Calls:

1A. Be the First in the History of Your Family with no
Family History: New Twist on our Intro to AIM
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded October 3, 2012 - 27 minutes)

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1B. Introduction To AIM
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded October 7, 2009 - 67 minutes)

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1C. Most Frequently Asked Questions About AIM
with Stephen Lewis
Recorded September 15, 2010 - 63 minutes)
Click for MP3 file
1D. Dr. Wayne Dyer
Excerpt on The AIM Program, from his tape series
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem (16 minutes)
Click for MP3 file

2. AIM Essentials

2G. AIM Essentials: How Come I'm Not "Done" Yet?
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded March 19, 2014 - 74 minutes)

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2F. AIM Essentials: Mind + Body + Spirit: An Inseparable Trio
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded November 20, 2013 - 52 minutes)

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2E. The Blessings and Wisdom of Animals
with Roberta Hladek
Discussion with Special Guest Sue Becker,
Animal Wellness Consultant and AIM Participant,
about how we can communicate with our pets,
keeping them healthy and happy for a long life.
(Recorded September 18, 2013 - 66 minutes)

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2D. Aging (or not) from the EMC2 Perspective
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded May 15, 2013 - 59 minutes)

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2C. The Most Significant Advancements in AIM
since Sanctuary was Written, Part II
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded March 20, 2013 - 54 minutes)

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2B. Uniquely You - Your Role in Everything, Including AIM
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded January 16, 2013 - 62 minutes)

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2A. Introduction To AIM
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded October 7, 2009 - 67 minutes)

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Click here for the AIM Essentials Archives

3. As You Begin Your AIM Program:

3A. A Deeper Understanding of AIM
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded October 2, 2007 - 47 minutes)
Click for MP3 file
3B. Detox on The AIM Program (Handling the Ups & Downs of Energetic Detox)
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded January 9, 2008 - 58 minutes)

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3C. Working Through Emotional Detox Part I
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded January 24, 2006 - 54 minutes)
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3D. Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Healing Frequencies on AIM
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded May 15, 2007 - 58 minutes)

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3E. What Doctors Don't Know - The Naked Truth About Healing
with Evan Slawson
(Recorded November 8, 2005 - 54 minutes)

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4. Maximizing AIM:

4A. Sanctuary Revisited/Update
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded June 7, 2007 - 46 minutes)

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4B. How to Enhance Your AIM Experience With Energy Goal Cards
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded November 17, 2010 - 57 minutes)

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4C. Meditation To Enhance AIM
with Evan Slawson
(Recorded March 17, 2010 - 63 minutes)

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Click here to listen to the 14-minute
EMC² Healing Meditation audio.
4D. AIM As A Tool Not A Crutch
with Evan Slawson
(Recorded December 5, 2007 - 60 minutes)

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5. Special Interests/Topics:

5A. Natural Healing Truths "They"
DO Want You to Know About
with Stephen Lewis & Kevin Trudeau
(Recorded June 28, 2012 - 38 minutes)
Or access via phone, 712-432-3131, code 87784336
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5B. Healing Addictions with the Help of AIM
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded September 19, 2012 - 57 minutes)
Click for MP3 file
5C. Ageless Wonder: Anti-Aging with AIM
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded May 19, 2010 - 59 minutes)
Click for MP3 file
5D. AIM and Weight Loss - Guest participants discussion
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded Jun 28, 2007 - 43 minutes)
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5E. The Effects of AIM on Animals
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded March 25, 2009 - 61 minutes)

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5F. The AIM Program and How to Increase Your Consciousness
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded August 20, 2008 - 60 minutes)

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5G. Healing In Your Spare Time
with Evan Slawson
(Recorded December 16, 2008 - 62 minutes)

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5H. The Energetic State of the World
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded January 21, 2009 - 56 minutes)

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5I. Tools To Maximize AIM
with Evan Slawson
(Recorded March 7, 2006 - 67 minutes)

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5J. Overcoming Addictions, Fears and Failures
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded October 21, 2008 - 56 minutes)

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6. Special Guests On Everything Is Energy:

6A. Linda Gray is an award winning actress, an accomplished director, a United Nations Ambassador and one of the world’s most recognized and admired stars. She is best known for her role as playing Sue Ellen on the television prime-time soap opera Dallas. As an Ambassador of Goodwill for the United Nations, Linda has already completed her first mission to Nicaragua, creating a documentary film for the United Nations on women and children’s health issues. “My role is to meet people, listen to what they have to say and see what we can do to help” says Linda. Linda has been a very close friend of Stephen and Roberta for over 20 years, and has been involved with EMC²'s technology since 1989. Linda has been on The AIM Program since it's beginning and continues to be an AIM participant.
(Recorded 07/22/10)

Click for MP3 file

6B. Rev. Michael Beckwith is the founder and spiritual leader of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and is a featured teacher in the film and book The Secret. He is also the originator of the Life Visioning Process, sharing his techniques at conferences and seminars around the world. Stephen and Rev. Michael will discuss how The AIM Program can help you change your outlook to transform all areas of your life.
(Recorded 04/01/10)

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6C. Dorothea Hover-Kramer has been a psychologist for over 30 years and co-founded the International Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). She is also the author of six books about energy therapies. Stephen and Dorothea discuss the similarities between The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing and Energy Psychology. They talk about how you can unleash your creative potential to heal yourself in all areas of your life. (Recorded April 9, 2009)

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6D. Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul, featured teacher in The Secret and author of Happy for No Reason joins Stephen Lewis to share insights on self-responsibility, our quest for happiness, how genetic and learned patterns affect our "happiness set point", and how we can change them. Marci joins thousands of others, and a growing number of her "Secret" and Transformational Leadership Council colleagues, as an AIM participant, and comments "I regret not knowing about the AIM Program before my new book was completed... I'm putting it in my courses, recommended resources and in my next book." (Recorded January 16, 2008)

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7. AIM Scholarship Programs:

7A. Stephen Lewis talks with parents of autistic children about their amazing self-healing progress with AIM
(Recorded April 14, 2007 - 60 minutes)

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7B. AIM and Autism Update
with Stephen Lewis
(Recorded June 6, 2007 - 40 minutes)

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7C. AIM Scholarship Programs.
with Roberta Hladek
(Recorded November 3, 2010 - 65 minutes)
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